Why and How you Should Integrate UX in Product Development

Why a SaaS Company Should Understand Its Users and How To Do So

2 min readJul 14, 2020

A successful product is the one customers love to use. Building a product without having customers’ needs and preferences in mind is like throwing money out of the window. You’ll end up with a product you love, but no one finds it useful.

Ignoring users is the fastest way to fail. This is why SaaS companies must feel the pulse of the users and understand what they expect from the product.

Customer experience is the new battlefield. Today’s customers are comparing you to the best experiences they’ve ever had, constantly raising the bar around expectations. If you fail to deliver an engaging product experience, customers won’t hesitate to replace you with your competitors.

It’s easier than ever to build a product and get early traction. However, in this hyper-competitive SaaS industry, staying relevant is hard.

According to G2 Research Hub, 73% of organizations indicated that nearly all their apps will be SaaS by 2021.What’s more: The SaaS market hit $141 billion in 2019, and in 2020 is expected to hit $157 billion. Back in 2014, the industry size was $63.19 billion, which means that the market has more than doubled in just six years.

So the question is: In a market where competition is fierce, what can SaaS companies do to retain users? Keep reading about it in the original post here.




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