How to stay connected with your remote team

Remote work has grown in popularity over the years and with it, the possibility of outsourcing.

1 min readDec 26, 2019

I’m sharing part of an article written by a colleague about effective tools for remote teams. The original post can be found here: How to stay connected with your remote team.

In 2018, 70% of the people around the globe worked remotely at least once a week and it was estimated that 3.9 million Americans worked from home at least half the week. Within the IT industry, it’s a great option for companies to get high-quality development at lower rates, by having teams in a different country.

Just a few decades ago, this idea would’ve sounded crazy and overly complicated, but technology has made it possible with new long-distance communication and team management tools.

We help US companies with development and design from Latin America and we are always looking for the best tools for communicating and organizing our projects. When we find something that helps us with remote teams communication, we hold on to it because good communication improves understanding; it avoids overlap, reduces the risk of tasks being left unattended to, and helps projects run faster and better.

Here’s a list of what I would call our “essentials” kit; tools that will make your life simpler.

  1. ActiveCollab
  2. Asana
  3. Calendly
  4. Slack
  5. Outlook
  6. Drive
  7. Zoom
  8. Trello
  9. Jira
  10. Notion
  11. Zeplin
  12. Basecamp
  13. GoToMeeting
  14. Cyfe

You can read a simple summary of each one of these tools at the original blog post here: Remote Team Communication.




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